Special Workshops and Activities
2023 Certificate course of Laboratory Animal Science
The certificate course in Laboratory Animal Science is an annual event of the Sri Lanka
Association for Laboratory Animal Science and MRI contributes as the collaborative partner in
the practical sessions.
Undergraduate and postgraduate students experience laboratory animal handling, oral feeding,
different animal inoculation techniques, and animal feed formulation that can be useful in
students’ future research activities.
This year practical sessions were conducted on 23rd, 30th September, and 7th October 2023 at the
Laboratory Animal Centre at MRI,
A few highlights from the recently completed workshops are as follows

Zebra fish model as an alternative to toxicity testing
- Zebra fish model as an alternative to toxicity testing’ was conducted at the Medical Research Institute on 29th Jan 2020. This workshop was conducted as a Pre- Congress Workshop of the Sri Lanka Association for Laboratory Animal Science (SLALAS). in collaboration with the Medical Research Institute Sri Lanka, Swiss Federal Institute of Aquatic Science and Technology and ‘ALTERTOX’ Academy. Dr Roman Li from the Swiss Federal Institute of aquatic science and Technology (EAWAG) Switzerland contributed as a resource person for this workshop. Few highlights from the workshop:
- Department of Laboratory Animal Science, MRI in collaboration with the Sri Lanka Association for Laboratory Animal Science (SLALAS) conducted a Certificate Course on Laboratory Animal Science since 28th June to 1st July 2016 at the University of Sri Jayewardenapura and the Medical Research Institute, Colombo 8. Two days practical sessions were conducted at the Animal Center of the Medical Research Institute. In addition to practical sessions, staff of the Animal Center contributed as resource persons by delivering lectures in this certificate course. Nineteen participants from the universities, industries and various research organizations joined the certificate course on Laboratory Animal Science.
Figure 1: Participants with resource persons at the first day of workshop:
Figure 2: Participants learning Animal handling and related techniques at the Animal Center/MRI: