• Medical Research Institute - Sri Lanka

    The premier medical research institute in Sri Lanka
  • Medical Research Institute - Sri Lanka

    The premier medical research institute in Sri Lanka
  • Medical Research Institute - Sri Lanka

    Sky View

Standard Operating Procedure

Standard Operating Procedure  of Health Information Unit- MRI

Routine Working Hours

8.30 am- 12.00 noon
1.00 pm-4.15  pm on week days and available on call during off hours for official purposes of the Medical Research Institute

We operate according to the

  1. Guidelines and Standards of eHealth- Ministry of Health -March 2016
  2. National policy on Health Information
  3. eGovernment policy of Sri Lanka

Available Permanent Staff of the Unit

Medical Officers Health Informatics

  1. Dr. Deepake Sanath Thubellage

Medical Officer Health informatics I/C
eMail: health.information@mri.gov.lk
Phone: 0112-693532-34 ext 125
Mobile: 0777-588960

Staff required for the Unit

  1. Software Programming Officer
  2. Hardware Technician
  3. Management Assistant
  4. Technical assistants

Working in the unit

The staff grade officers will perform their relevant duties in or outside the unit. During the duty hours of the relevant officer/s the room will be opened if the Officer is has not gone out of the room. In case if the room is closed any body can contact the mobile number which is displayed on the door.
The service providers can visit and attend the faults of the system and can give their services only with the prior appointments. In case of absence of the responsible officer in the unit, they should inform the Medical officers of Health Informatics over the mobile phone.
The New Organizational eHealth Committee:  is appointed which is effective from March 2016. The composition of the committee :
Chairperson:Deputy Director MRI( eMail: dd@mri.gov.lk)
Secretary: Dr Sanath Thubellage- MO-HI ( eMail: health.information@mri.gov.lk)
Dr. S. Nanayakkara- Consultant Virologist
Dr. N.R.de Silva- Consultant Immunologist
Mr. Saranga Fonseka- Research Officer
Mr.  S.A.L.P. Suraweera- Superintendent Sup.MLT
Mr. I.D.K.A. Nawarathne- MLT
The important decisions regarding eHealth activities and  implementation will be taken collectively by the committee and any complaints regarding the computer network etc should be send to the chairperson of eHealth Committee.